Pauli Räinä is inspired by new information technology solutions and does pointless walking at leisure
The Port got a new IT expert when Pauli Räinä started in the position at the beginning of December. His job involves the development, introduction and technical maintenance of the Port’s information systems and networks. He also contributes actively to the development of new information technology solutions and implementation of ICT projects, and is responsible for organising the IT tech support services.

Previously the information technology issues were concentrated to the City of Turku’s IT services, but the increasing opportunities to use new digital technology as a result of the new Ferry Terminal Turku project created a need for in-house know-how. Digitalisation plays an important role in the project from the point of view of smooth supply of services as well as the safety of passengers and cargo.
Ten years of experience in IT industry
“In my previous job I worked as the ICT product manager in a company that provides services to energy production companies. I was responsible for the IT and telecommunication solutions for customers and internal operations, the user support function, customer and supplier relations, as well as development of services. I spent six rewarding years in the energy industry. I have worked in IT jobs since 2011. My education is undergraduate of computer science, which means that I have taken university studies in in computer science”, Mr Räinä tells about his work and education history.
Interesting and responsible positions in energy production companies
Mr Räinä says that his previous job in electricity distribution was very interesting. At a fairly short notice he was given responsibility for extensive and critical ICT systems as a product manager.
“I gained a lot more confidence in my own strengths as I was able to take on many new and unknown issues under hard pressure”.
Another assignment that Mr Räinä remembers well is the implementation of a solar power plant with 2400 panels and 760 kilowatt peak. He was responsible for the IT solutions, such as the follow-up technology for the yield history and power fluctuation of rented panels.
Port of Turku’s new information technology in the next few years is inspiring
Mr Räinä is eagerly expecting the work with the new technology solutions of the Ferry Terminal Turku project, because the solutions are not really tried and tested.
“The building of the IT solutions for the joint terminal project will be a very interesting undertaking, and I’m looking forward to joining it.”
Nature watching and moving about in nature counterbalance the work
In recent years, Mr Räinä has considerably increased moving about in nature. He chuckles and says that his leisure activity is “pointless walking” which means hiking and other wildlife activities.
“I like to take long hiking trips in the wilderness. I have done some hiking in Norway and Estonia, and a lot in Western Finland as well as Lapland. Moving about in nature is a perfect counterbalance for my work”.
A few pieces of information about Pauli
What would your dream day at work be like?
“My dream day at work would include development of something new and ideation at interesting projects or issues. I like both team work and quiet work on my own.”
What is the best piece of advice that you ever got?
”Everyone has a testing environment, and for some lucky ones it is separated from production.”
What secret skills or abilities have you got?
”I don’t really get tired of driving. I once drove almost without sleep from central Germany via Haaparanta to Oulainen, 2400 kilometres. My friend injured his hand, so there were no options.”
If you could ask the Managing Director one question, what would you ask?
“What is your most memorable achievement outside the working career?”
Managing Director Erik Söderholm: “Alive at 60!”
Text: Heli Kaijansalo
Photo: Markku Koivumäki