Our customers see the Port of Turku as reliable, flexible and sustainable – Expertise of our personnel continues to be a definite strength
We implemented the customer satisfaction survey together with Eezy Flow, and 75 customers and partners responded. 68% of the respondents were our direct customers and 32% were their customers. Most of the respondents (91%) have had a relationship with our port for more than 10 years.

The goals of the survey were, among other things, to identify the strengths of customer experience and areas with room for improvement, describe the key development trends and changes compared to previous surveys, and give the customers a chance to express their views and proposals for developing the co-operation.
Most of the respondents use the Port of Turku due to the geographical location and suitable destination ports. One year ago the second most common reason was the suitable schedules of ships.
The majority of respondents appreciate the expertise of Port personnel
Willingness to recommend is still high, and 57% of the respondents would recommend the Port of Turku as a co-operation partner. This year’s NPS stood at 51. Overall satisfaction with the Port of Turku’s operations had increased from the previous year, standing at 3.28 (2021: 3.20).
The expertise of the Port personnel is rated high, and the score continued to develop positively. As much as 96% of the respondents think that the personnel has a high level of expertise.
Most thanks were received for the staff’s expertise, willingness to serve and flexibility, information services and maintaining contacts, the efficiency of operations, vessel services of port control, the safety of port areas (security guarding and access control), and weighing services. The rating of services to drivers improved the most among all items assessed. Satisfaction with the order of items has remained pretty much the same as a year before.
Satisfaction with co-operation
The respondents are satisfied with the co-operation, especially with vessel services, marketing and communication, and the management of the Port.
All areas assessed (customer service, general appearance of the port, technical standard of the port, and Port of Turku Oy’s customer service) showed positive development.
The respondents were clearly more satisfied with the Port’s internal traffic arrangements and the safety of the port area (security guarding and access control). In individual areas, there is room for improvement in the condition of warehouse shelters.
Those who have direct customer contacts are clearly more satisfied. The satisfaction of customers with daily contacts has clearly improved. Those who also use other ports are now clearly more satisfied. In the previous survey, it was the other way around. The overall satisfaction score was 3.28.
Working together with the Port has a number of times provided support that you can trust to help find a solution with new customers. Developing the services together and mutual discussion contacts have always provided the keys to find a solution.
Customers describe the Port as a reliable, flexible and sustainable partner
Furthermore, the respondents think that the Port of Turku is above all described by the adjectives reliable, flexible and sustainable. These strengthened compared to last year. Reliability continued to improve: 78% of the respondents considered the operating very reliable. Customers in the trade sector rated the Port the most reliable. Sustainability had also improved. Forwarding and trade sectors now have the most positive view regarding that aspect, while stevedoring has the most critical view as a sector.
Room for improvement as well
There are still expectations for renewal, the Port is not considered very modern, but is rather seen as a traditional actor. The condition of warehouse shelters is at the lowest level among the factors assessed.
Services to drivers are still rated at a fairly low level, but they have clearly developed in a positive direction.
Text: Heli Kaijansalo
Photo: Jarmo Piironen
Customer satisfaction 2022
- Port of Turku’s NPS is 51 and the majority of customers (57%) are willing to recommend the Port of Turku as a partner. The expertise of personnel is rated very high.
- Overall satisfaction with the operations of the Port of Turku is at a high level, and up to 94% of the respondents give a good rating for the functioning of co-operation. One-third of the respondents were very satisfied.
- The satisfaction of those in contact with the Port of Turku on a daily basis has increased, measured by both overall satisfaction and the customer satisfaction index.
- The overall satisfaction of new customers is the lowest, but satisfaction increases with the duration of the customer relationship.
- Regarding co-operation, the respondents appreciated most the functioning of finance and administration, willingness to serve and flexibility, good co-operation with the management of the Port, smooth agreement proceedings, proactivity, and speed.