Cruise Finland co-operation develops cruise tourism

Cruise Finland promotes Finland’s cruise tourism by providing the shipping companies with comprehensive information and support. The co-operation network includes Finnish ports, such as the Port of Turku, and tourism organisations. Excursion and port agents act as experts to support the network. The goal is to make Finland an attractive and safe travel destination that offers unique experiences and high-quality services to tourists.

The Cruise Finland cooperation network gathered for its annual meeting in Turku on February 12th to set guidelines for the development of cruise tourism in Finland.
Cruise Finland’s role in promoting cruise tourism

Cruise Finland helps the shipping companies to find suitable ports and travel destinations, offers up-to-date information on the infrastructure, and supports marketing internationally. The co-operation benefits smaller ports and less well-known destinations in particular, which gain broader visibility. In addition, the network offers opportunities to work with local tourism service providers and regular meetings for sharing expertise, looking at topical questions, and planning joint marketing efforts.

The Cruise Finland co-operation network convened in Turku on 12 February for an annual meeting to set guidelines for the development of cruise tourism in Finland. The 75% increase in fairway charges for cruise liners sparked a discussion, because extra costs amounting to tens of thousands of euros may affect the decisions of the shipping companies to visit Finland.

Cruise Finland is planning to expand the network to include new ports and travel destinations, which will strengthen Finland’s position as an attractive cruise destination. Furthermore, environmentally sound solutions are being developed and the experiences of tourists will be enhanced through a wider variety of services.

The meeting also appointed steering groups for different areas, such as representation of interests, communication, exhibition planning, management by knowledge, and route planning.

Shared message strengthens Finland’s position as a cruise destination

Kaj Takolander, Vice President Passenger Services in the Port of Helsinki, stresses that there are several shipping groups and numerous smaller shipping companies operating in the international cruise industry. For many of the decision-makers in these companies Finland is still rather unfamiliar as a cruise destination, and they have never visited here.

Kaj Takolander emphasizes the power of collaboration between ports and destinations to promote Finland in the international cruise market.

According to Mr Takolander, it is important to remember when communicating to these customers that it is useful to talk in a consistent voice and present a similar kind of image of Finland.

“You should keep in mind that none of these shipping companies will route their ship to call in just a single port in the northern Baltic Sea. That’s why the co-operation between the destination organisations is both sensible and makes us stronger.”

I think it’s great to act for Finland as the spokesman of the cruise industry. – Kaj Takolander, Port of Helsinki

Port of Turku benefits from the co-operation network in many ways

The Port of Turku is an active member of the Cruise Finland network and benefits from the co-operation in many ways. Through the network the Port receives valuable information and support for the development of cruise tourism, which increases its competiveness and attractiveness for international shipping companies. Networking, sharing of expertise and practical support are some of the key benefits of co-operation.

Annika Schulman, Sales Coordinator of the Port of Turku, says that the co-operation brings significant benefits to marketing, increasing recognition, and influencing.

“Together we are stronger, and by pooling our resources we can create significantly greater visibility internationally.”

“It is important that we have the same practices towards the shipping companies, which makes it easier for them to sail in our area. Our close co-operation allows for this and we can be in touch with each other with a low threshold,” says Annika Schulman, Sales Coordinator at the Port of Turku.

A shared fair stand is a good example – it increases visibility in the international forums and helps the shipping companies to perceive the opportunities of Finland’s cruise routes in one go. The most important thing in route planning is to know the target group and what kinds of experience they are looking for, but also the vessel sizes and which vessels can visit in each port based on their size.

More visibility for Finland as a cruise destination

According to Annika Schulman, the co-operation has made it easier for shipping companies to find information as well as strengthening international marketing. Cruise Finland’s joint fair stand and the recently opened website provide the shipping companies with plenty of information on Finland’s cruise destinations. In addition, the members of the network spread the visibility of the Finnish ports around the world.

“At the moment, our colleagues are on a marketing trip in the US in which we were unable to participate, but I know that Turku is also included in the joint marketing materials with the members of Cruise Finland.”

Many representatives of shipping companies have expressed their thanks for establishment of Cruise Finland and stated that this makes their work considerably easier and gives a much clearer overall picture of Finland as a cruise destination.

Text: Heli Kaijansalo
Photos: Markku Koivumäki and Port of Helsinki

Benefits of Cruise Finland co-operation

  • Up-to-date information on the services and infrastructure of ports
  • Marketing support and visibility on international markets
  • Co-operation opportunities with the local tourism service providers
  • Training and seminars for developing cruise travel

Ports in the co-operation network:
HaminaKotka, Helsinki, Mariehamn, Oulu, Jakobstad, Turku, and Vaasa

Further information: Cruise Finland – Nordic Voyages through Coastal Landscapes