Thank you to the personnel for their stamina and flexibility

The Port of Turku implements sustainable HR policy with emphasis on the development of expertise, occupational safety and well-being at work. The results achieved in those areas had a visible positive effect on the results of the customer and personnel satisfaction surveys carried out in 2023.
The changes in the traffic to Sweden resulted in initiating of change negotiations in the Administrative Department in early 2023. The negotiations were part of a cost savings package in a situation in which the Swedish traffic, which is important to the Port’s financial performance, decreased by a quarter. The negotiations were completed in January 2023, and as a result, five employees were made redundant in the organisation in Administration and the job descriptions were optimised. The reorganisation of the department was carried out smoothly and in the course of the year the operations quickly settled to the new organisation.
In spring 2023, new working hours arrangements of the Operative Department were also implemented, which became possible after the whole staff moved into the same premises. The new working hours model enhances the operating of Port maintenance in particular, because switching to two work shifts enables quicker reacting to the needs that emerge at different times of the day.
The Port of Turku supports the well-being, motivation and commitment of its personnel through a variety of personnel benefits. In addition to various recreational benefits and the health insurance that complements occupational health care, the Port offers, for example, Föli public transport cards and company bicycles. Reagarding working capacity maintenance activities, one of the highlights of the year was the recreational day arranged in Herrankukkaro in Rymättylä.
Internal communication channel KOMPASSI was introduced for the Port’s internal communication. Kompassi serves the entire organisation, including among other things all internal bulletins and directions as well as working hours monitoring. In addition, it is possible to set up project-specific online work spaces in Kompassi, which facilitates project management and follow-up.
The goals of our customer satisfaction survey implemented in late 2023 together with Eezy Flow include, for example, to identify the strengths and areas for further improvement in the customer experience and to allow the customers to develop the co-operation by presenting their views and opinions. As in previous years, commendations were given for the Port’s willingness to serve and flexibility as well as expertise of personnel. The Port is viewed as a very co-operation-oriented partner that takes the customer’s individual needs into account.

Port of Turku Ltd had on average 44 employees during the financial year. The number of permanent employees in the parent company at the end of the year was 39, just under half of them in the Port Administration. 3 persons retired on pension from the port enterprise during the year, and new employees were recruited to port services in their place. At year-end, the Group had a total of 67 permanent employees.
Read the full annual report 2023 (pdf).
Text: Kari Ahonen
Photo: Jarmo Piironen