Port of Turku’s strategy stems from the customers’ needs

The Port of Turku offers the most comprehensive sea connections on the west coast of Finland for the needs of businesses. In addition to Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries, the network of the Port’s regular liner services covers Germany and England, and also offers smooth connections to ocean lines through the big ports in the North Sea. The Port’s fast sea connections are complemented by its inclusion in the European Union’s TEN-T core network as well as excellent hinterland connections in Finland.
Port of Turku Ltd’s operations focus on activities supporting passenger traffic to Scandinavia and Central Europe and cargo transports of processed products. Through its professional and flexible operating the Port ensures that passengers and cargo are carried from port to port on time, safely, flexibly and efficiently. By utilising the newest technology and renewing its infrastructure the Port aims at enhancing vessel traffic and thus making the transports through Turku even more worthwhile. The customers’ needs are listened to in the development work, and the Port is prepared to react to them quickly where required.
Development efforts strengthen competitiveness far into the future
Right now the Port of Turku is implementing the most significant investment in its history, the Ferry Terminal Turku project for reforming the passenger harbour. The goal of the project is to upgrade the passenger harbour in Turku into a maritime centre that fulfils the requirements of modern, fast-paced, smooth and safe ship traffic. In addition to the new joint terminal for passenger traffic, the massive project includes major updates in quay structures, field areas and traffic arrangements both in the port area and the city’s street network. The railway tracks leading to the passenger harbour will also be realigned. The completion of the new terminal will enable the growth of vessel traffic volume, for example by opening new ship routes, and provide a setting for the development of cruise liner traffic. The goal is to have the terminal and traffic connections in use in 2027.
Digitalisation plays an important role in enhancing the Port’s operations. As part of the renewal of the passenger harbour the automated system for mooring and unmooring vessels has already been introduced. In addition to this automooring system, digitalisation is utilised broadly in traffic control and supervision of security in the port area. The utilisation of location and mobile technologies in the port contributes to the functioning of the entire transport chain, and automation and robotisation can be used to enhance load handling and improve occupational safety in the port.
Sustainability work focuses on the environment and safety
Alongside efficiency and reliability, the operating of the Port of Turku is guided by sustainability. In environmental work, the Port of Turku is one of the pioneers in its field and it aims at minimising the environmental impacts of port operations. The long-term work has also borne fruit. For example, the carbon footprint of port operations has decreased considerably, and now the common goal with the City of Turku is to become carbon neutral by 2029. Various measures have also been taken to protect the Archipelago Sea, the most important which is the decision to stop disposal of dredging masses in the sea and switch to disposal on land. The Port conducts active co-operation in environmental issues with shipping companies and other port operators as well as, for example, the Ports of Stockholm.
Sustainability also covers port safety and preparations for any exceptional situations. The goal of the Port’s safety plans and instructions is to prevent risks, but through training and exercises the Port also prepares for quick and efficient reactions in case the threats are realised. In addition to the safety expertise of the own organisation, the Port invests in co-operation with the authorities and further development thereof.
Port’s role as part of the City of Turku is emphasised further
The City and the Port of Turku have been growing and developing side by side for centuries. As an inseparable part of the city, the Port of Turku has generated and still generates considerable added value to the city, the business life as well as the inhabitants. Today, the port area is part of the City of Turku’s development corridor of the city-centre which has the greatest potential for the development of urban living in accordance with modern requirements and for condensing the urban structure. With the new residential areas and services cluster rising around Ferry Terminal Turku, the Port of Turku will be part of the new maritime heart of the city – the symbiosis of logistics, international cruise liners, and a new kind of city.
Read the full annual report 2023 (pdf).
Text: Kari Ahonen
Photo: Jarmo Piironen