Unique and challenging project provides inspiration
Sweco has completed the cost estimation phase fo the HVAC and structural plans for the new passenger terminal to be built in Turku.

Life in the Port of Turku’s passenger terminal will not be dull and monotonous toiling. At times the building will be full of people and then, just a moment later, it will again be nearly deserted.
Jyrki Vuorio, HVAC Design Director at Sweco, says that big cycles also set high requirements to building technologies.
“In practice, the ventilation, heating and cooling solutions, of course, have to be dimensioned according to the maximum, or 4,000 people. While two thousand people are waiting to embark, the same number of people are simultaneously coming out of the ship.”
He says that the conditions will be nice and pleasant also at peak hours, and they will be implemented using smart and energy-efficient systems.
“The indoor heat loads of the passenger terminal have also been simulated using computer programs.”
Sweco offers a wide range of supply
Sweco is a consultant company that provides expert services for the built environment. The scope ranges from buildings to wind turbines, and the services also include, for example, environmental evaluation of building projects. In the Turku passenger terminal, Sweco is responsible for the designing of HVAC, building automation and sprinkler systems as well as structural planning.
Mikko Sirén, Unit Director at Sweco, tells that Sweco specialises in challenging projects and that the passenger terminal fulfils those criteria easily.
“There are not any big terminals of this kind in Finland – and of course not a single one similar to this one. It is also great that a big project is planned to start at a time like this when construction activity is otherwise low.”
At the time of the interview in mid-March, the cost estimation phase for the HVAC and structural plans are complete.
“Making the plans took just over a year, which is quite common in big projects”, Mr Sirén points out.
Stylish and firm as steel
Aki Luntamo, Department Manager for Structural Engineering at Sweco, says that the project was also interesting from the point of view of his work.
“We are using familiar structural solutions – reinforced concrete piles, steel frames, steel gratings and hollow core slabs – but the unusual architectural solutions of the building, such as long span, set their requirements for the use thereof.”
The maritime conditions have also been taken into account.
“We have taken into account the variation of the water level, following the general guidelines of the City of Turku. The outer surfaces will be treated to endure severe weathering”, Mr Luntamo mentions as examples of the solutions.
Let’s get back to building technology.
“In practice we have benefited a great deal from doing the HVAC and structural engineering in the same company. They often go hand in hand. It is important, for example, that building technology can be hidden behind the structures. Good building technology does its job, but you can’t see or hear it”, Mr Vuorio sums up.
Text: Matti Välimäki
Photo: Markku Koivumäki