Importance of preparing was emphasised in safety work
Safety plays an important role in the Port of Turku’s customer service. To ensure everyday activities, occupational safety and the protection of passengers, cargo and the Port’s infrastructure, the Port continuously carries out development work within its own organisation and with the other port operators as well as different authorities.

In addition to the gradually fading pandemic, the year 2022 was characterised by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that started in February. Switching from one crisis to another strengthened the need to develop further the Port’s preparedness for the threats of both today and tomorrow which had arisen already during the pandemic years.
The Port of Turku is defined a critical port in terms of Finland’s emergency supply, which requires a high level of preparedness for various disturbances and exceptional conditions. For the prevention of any exceptional situations and actions during them, the Port has drawn up clear contingency plans that are compatible with the Port’s safety programmes and those determined by the international ISPS code. The programmes have been audited and are reviewed regularly. In addition to conventional threats, the Port’s safety programmes also take into account cybersafety regarding which the key objective is to keep the Port’s critical systems protected 24/7.
The Port of Turku is part of the National Emergency Supply Agency’s Port Pool which supports the preparing of ports critical in terms of emergency supply. The forms of co-operation include, for instance, various exercises that are used to develop the co-operation between different authorities and other parties, the flow of information between the participants, and management at exceptional times. In relation to that, the Port participated in September in the Aurora22 major exercise that covered all of Southwest Finland. In addition to other safety threats, the exercise focused on the prevention of powerful information operations.
As part of the Port’s safety programme, an online training package focusing on safety issues was implemented in 2022. In addition to own personnel, training was offered to other operators in the port which received it well. By extending safety training as broadly as possible in the port it is possible to ensure the smooth flow of co-operation in any exceptional situations.
Risk management is part of the Port’s operations system
The Port of Turku’s risk management supports the reaching of the company’s strategic and business goals and ensures the continuity of operations also in changing circumstances. Risk management starts with identifying different external and internal risks and preparing for them. Identification of risks is based on a systematic method and forms a part of the planning and follow-up of operations. The responsibilities and methods of risk management are determined in the Port’s operations system.
The most important goals of risk management include ensuring the continuity of vessel traffic in the port and securing the needs of port operations in the development of the city. Various restrictions on vessel traffic relating to e.g. environmental questions, and the building of new residential areas near the port may have a negative effect on the Port’s operating prerequisites. The great significance of the port operations to the city, both concretely and in terms of images, decreases the risks resulting from city planning, and the continuous development of the environmental soundness of vessel traffic defends the Port’s position at the heart of the seaside city Turku.
From the financial point of view, Port of Turku Ltd’s business operations have remained stable also in the exceptional times of the past few years. In 2023, the biggest risks are presented by the consequences of the war in Ukraine and the quick rise of the interest rates which may affect, for example, the proceeding of the Port’s investments.
The generation of the result and the realisation of the budget are followed continuously, and any deviations are reported to the Board of Directors monthly during the financial year, and to the City of Turku’s Concern Section and the persons responsible for supervision during the financial year, in accordance with the decision of the City Council.
Read the full annual report 2022 (pdf).
Text: Kari Ahonen
Photo: Jarmo Piironen