Ferry Terminal Turku project entered a new phase
The preparations for the biggest investment in the history of the Port of Turku entered a new phase. Ferry Terminal Turku is a joint project of the Port of Turku and shipping companies Tallink Silja and Viking Line for the development of passenger traffic. The goal is to build a new joint passenger terminal area for the use of the shipping companies.

In addition to the joint terminal building, the project involves quay structures, including passenger skyways and bridges, and a joint field area with traffic arrangements. The Ferry Terminal Turku project also involves the EU-financed Ferry Port Turku project which plans measures for improving the infrastructure, logistics and safety of the FTT project.
The winner of the architectural competition arranged on the designing of the new passenger terminal was chosen in May. The jury chose as the winner the proposal named Origami by PES-Architects which serves as the basis for the planning work that started in November. The agreements with the special designers of the terminal building were made late last year, and the project management will be handled by Ramboll CM Oy.
Due to the rise of the steel price and building costs caused by the war in Ukraine, a decision was made to re-schedule the Ferry Terminal Turku project, and at the same time some amendments were made to the original plan. The commencement of the investments was postponed, the scale of the terminal building was adjusted, and the building of a new pier was discarded. The planning of the outdoor field area will continue on the basis of the port’s railway alignment decided on by the City of Turku in the summer. One goal of the re-scheduling is also to synchronise the schedules of the major projects in the entire Linnanniemi district, including the building of the Museum of History and the Future.
The construction of quays is due to start in autumn 2023 on Tallink Silja’s future quay site, after which the shipping company’s current berth will be updated for use by Viking Line. The planning of the former is in progress and will be completed by June 2023. The planning of the second berth will continue once the plans from the first one have been completed, and is tentatively due for completion in September 2024. The berths will also be available to any new shipping companies within the framework permitted by the schedules of Tallink Silja and Viking Line. The construction of the quays will be implemented with focus on ensuring the smooth flow and safety of daily traffic in the passenger harbour.
The building schedule of the new joint terminal is linked to the approval of the change of town plan for the area. Tentatively the town plan will gain legal force in June 2023, which allows for arranging competitive bidding for building in the latter half of the year. According to the new schedule, the terminal project is expected to be completed at the beginning of 2027.
Read the full annual report 2022 (pdf).
Text: Kari Ahonen
Photo: PES-Arkkitehdit Oy