Thanks to the personnel for customer satisfaction
The Port of Turku’s serviceability is based on the contributions of skilled people at all levels of the organisation. In addition to the development of expertise, the Port’s personnel strategy emphasises support for well-being at work and coping at work, as well as openness and trust of the working community. Good customer service and efficient operating are ensured by the whole personnel’s motivation and commitment to the common goals. That is also visible in the customer satisfaction survey of 2021 in which the rating improved considerably compared to a year before. Up to 91 percent of the respondents think that the Port of Turku handles the work professionally and with a positive service approach.

In 2021, the Port of Turku initiated the change of the corporate culture within which the Port prepares personnel to meet opportunities and challenges of the future port operations. After the setting of goals, the Port is moving on to practical measures that will streamline both the operating processes and expertise of the personnel to respond to the needs of the Port of the future. The change of the culture strategy concerns all employees and ranges from the development of leadership to diversification of expertise and competence.
As part of the change, the Port of Turku’s organisation reform was completed. The reform combined the Port’s vessel services with maintenance services into one unit under the Port’s operative services. In conjunction with the reform, recruitments were carried out to strengthen the Port’s expert organisation and respond to new needs for know-how. A new platform was developed for the training of personnel which allows for starting of various online training courses.
Minimising the effects of the coronavirus pandemic was still emphasised in looking after the well-being of the personnel. Staff was in remote work during the year where possible, and the health security of vessel services was improved through work shift arrangements. The personnel were also encouraged to take corona vaccinations and get tested as needed. In addition to the acute measures, the Port implemented well-being solutions with long range effects. The Port introduced, for example, a new model of early caring the goal of which is to maintain and strengthen the working capacity.
The Port of Turku supports the motivation and commitment of the personnel with a wide range of personnel benefits. In addition to various employment benefits and a health insurance that complements occupational health care, there is a performance reward system concerning all personnel. The system comprises of three parts: reaching the financial goal, customer satisfaction, and number of occupational accidents.
Port of Turku Ltd had on average 53 employees during the financial year. The number of permanent employees in the parent company at the end of the year was 52. Four persons retired on pension from the port enterprise in 2021. The Port Group had on average 70 employees during the financial year. At year-end, the Group had a total of 69 permanent employees.
Read the full annual report 2021 (pdf).
Text: Kari Ahonen
Photo: Robert Seger