Looking after our excellent personnel
Good, motivated and competent employees are an important resource for a service company such as the Port of Turku. That’s why the Port looked after its personnel also during the coronavirus pandemic in such a way that no employees were laid off or dismissed, but everyone continued in full-time employment despite the challenging times.

To ensure safe working environment during the coronavirus pandemic the Port has complied with common rules which have spared the personnel from infections. Administration has done remote work as much as possible, and the employees in vessel services were divided into three groups that do not encounter each other during or at changes of work shifts. In addition, the personnel is offered a chance to get tested for the coronavirus at all times, also outside the opening hours of occupational health care services.
In 2020, the Port of Turku implemented an organization change that clarified the organization structure and re-arranged the operative units. In this connection besides amendments of job titles, new persons for the positions of the Deputy Harbour Master, the Security Manager and the HR Manager were elected. The HR Manager was recruited from outside, the others in-house.
Development of personnel expertise and investing in well-being at work are continuous focus areas for the Port of Turku. The annual development discussions map the development and training needs of each employee both at individual level and compared to the strategy of the port enterprise. In addition to expertise, the content of the development discussions also covers different areas of well-being at work and occupational safety.
The Port of Turku has also identified the needs for new kind of expertise, which will become visible in the Port’s recruitment policy. Employees who master new information will be needed e.g. for the implementation of digitalisation in enhancing the Port’s operations and for solving environmental questions. The Port’s goal is to be an attractive choice for people who are looking for new, interesting and meaningful work.
The Port of Turku supports the motivation and commitment of the personnel with a wide range of personnel benefits. In addition to various recreational benefits and a health insurance that complements occupational health care, there is a performance reward system concerning all personnel. The system comprises of three parts: reaching the financial goal, customer satisfaction, and number of occupational accidents. The performance rewards from 2019 for the whole personnel were paid in April 2020.
Port of Turku Ltd had on average 61 employees during the financial year. The number of permanent employees in the parent company at the end of the year was 58. One person retired on pension from the port enterprise in 2020. The Port Group had on average 78 employees during the financial year. At year-end, the Group had a total of 74 permanent employees.
Read the full annual report 2020 (pdf).
Text: Kari Ahonen
Photo: Robert Seger