Digitalisation helps reach reductions in emissions
Increasing the digital aspects of port operations will reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of the entire transport chain and cut down the energy consumption of port operations. Smaller emissions are aimed at through utilisation of location technology as well as increasing use of automation and robotisation in load handling.

The Port of Turku will utilise automation e.g. in conjunction with the port calls of passenger vessels. For that purpose the Port has ordered an automooring system that will speed up the mooring and unmooring of ships as well as cut down their fuel consumption and reduce the emissions during port calls. The automooring equipment will be commissioned at Viking Line’s berth during 2021.
Digital services are also used in traffic guidance in the Port. The new gate systems and new traffic arrangements in the passenger harbour will decrease the idling and emissions of vehicles in the port area.
Digitalisation also affects the energy consumption of the port operations. The Port of Turku has considerably decreased its electricity consumption by switching to LED lighting in the biggest warehouses and the inner harbour area and by introducing digital controlling of lights.
TEXT: Kari Ahonen
PHOTO: Markku Alahäme