Our customers value flexibility and reliability
We recently commissioned a customer survey conducted by Corporate Spirit Oy which aimed at identifying the strengths and areas for further development in the Port’s customer experience, as well as supporting and develop-ing the customer experience provided by the Port personnel. Our goal is to create a basis for the development of a strategic customer point of view.

The survey was sent to 250 people of whom 84 responded, so the response rate stood at 33.6% (2019: 31.7%). 70% of the respondents have contacts with the Port or its partners at least on a weekly basis, and 93% of them have used the Port of Turku for more than 10 years. It means that our customer relationships are quite long-lasting.
The most important reasons for using the Port of Turku remained the same; geographical location (28%) and suitable ship schedules (16%).
The Port of Turku is valued as an excellent partner, and the customers’ willingness to recommend us increased considerably during the year. 56% of the respondents would recommend us (2019: 46%). The share of critical respondents in turn was down from 14% to 6%.

Regarding questions related to co-operation, it should be noted that each unit of the Port affects customer satisfaction. Each unit of the Port emerged strongly as a party with which the respondents co-operate. This year, the most positive feedback was given to finances and administration, and the management of the Port. It is particularly delightful to see that the appreciation of the expertise of the Port personnel continued to increase.
The respondents found room for improvement in internal traffic arrangements in the port area, services for the drivers, and the condition of storage shelters.
Based on the results concerning the brand of the Port, we can note that in our customers’ opinion our definite strength is the high level of expertise of the Port personnel, 93% of the respondents thought so. The customers consider the Port to be reliable, flexible, and responsible. The respondents found room for improvement in renewing ourselves.

We will continue operations in accordance with our values and strengths, to improve the Port’s customer-oriented approach and willingness to serve as well as reliability.