Port of Turku participates in the DigiPort project

The Port of Turku is participating in the DigiPort project that aims at renewing the business opportunities of ports through digitalisation and open data and finding new ways for ports to utilise the digital transition in their business operations. The project acts as a pioneer for the digitalisation of ports and at the same time aims at long-term development co-operation with universities.
The project will arrange a Hack the Port event, the purpose of which is to create new solutions and services to be applied in the port industry. At the same time, a bridge for co-operation is being built between the participants that can also be used after the project.
The main partner of the project is the Research Association of Maritime Safety and Traffic, and the other implementers are the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, the Centre for Maritime Studies at the Brahea Centre of the University of Turku, and TIEKE the Finnish Information Society Development Centre. The 2-year project will last from the end of 2017 to autumn 2019. The funding will be provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Port of HaminaKotka, the Port of Turku, and the rest will come from the implementers.