Industry professional

Terminal with oblique walls is the constructor’s feat
Usually constructors are requested to build straight walls, but the façade of Ferry Terminal Turku is expected …

”One foot in the water, the other on the shore”
Terramare Oy has begun to build the quay for the new passenger terminal. According to Managing Director …

The Laaksonens have docked more than a thousand vessels in Pansio
The Pansio Harbour is home to a repair shipyard where almost all commuter ferries, cable ferries and …

Ville Alander was elected the new Deputy Harbour Master
Ville Alander supervised the loading of the passenger ferry bound to Sweden for the last time, as …

Port Hampuusi 2023 with eight million tonnes of cargo
35 years have passed since Mika Saarinen started work in the Port of Turku. He calculates that …

Port’s latest reinforcement
We wish warmly welcome our new construction engineer Juuso Varjonen. He joined our team in May and …

Thank you to the personnel for their stamina and flexibility
The Port of Turku implements sustainable HR policy with emphasis on the development of expertise, occupational safety …

Once a Viking, always a Viking
Tuula Leppälä has been serving passengers on board Viking Line ships for 38 years. At present, she …

Family-owned company passes the baton in controlled fashion
The organisations of Turku Stevedoring Oy and Forlog Oy will become stronger. The companies owned by the …

Matti Urmas from Freja elected Port Hampuusi 2022
The Port of Turku annually elects a Port Hampuusi (old-fashioned Finnish term for dockworker) from among its …

Through a simulator to a real ship bridge
Aboa Mare’s simulators in Turku provide training for present and future seafaring professionals. The simulator is very …

Electrician makes no compromises with the quality of work
Port of Turku Ltd’s electrical team is part of the Port’s Technical Department. The department takes care …