Annual report

Passenger traffic exceeded its goal
Passenger traffic in the Port of Turku exceeded its goal in 2023, as around 2.4 million passengers …

Better than expected year
Port of Turku Ltd’s tenth operating year as a limited liability company was financially favourable although the …

Port of Turku’s strategy stems from the customers’ needs
The Port of Turku offers the most comprehensive sea connections on the west coast of Finland for …

Challenging year for cruise liner traffic
The year was challenging for cruise liner traffic all over Europe, and the effects of the war …

Cargo transports developed in line with the economic conditions
The development of cargo transports in the Port of Turku followed the general trend of economy. Due …

Demand for warehousing services continued to grow
Cargo transports in the Port of Turku are supported by diverse and extensive warehousing services which are …

Ferry Terminal Turku is progressing as planned
The Port of Turku’s biggest ever investment moved forward in December, as the town plan for Ferry …

Secure Pax project ended with piloting of new technology
In 2023, the Port completed the Secure Pax project that started in 2021. The goal of the …

Thank you to the personnel for their stamina and flexibility
The Port of Turku implements sustainable HR policy with emphasis on the development of expertise, occupational safety …

Environmental work aims at carbon neutrality
In 2023, The Port’s environmental work emphasised measures directed at mitigation of climate change through which the …

The importance of preparing was still emphasised in safety issues
Port safety comprises of many areas, and their overall management allows for protection of people, vessels, property …

Risk management ensures the continuity of operations
The Port of Turku’s risk management supports the reaching of the company’s strategic and business goals and …