According to our customers, we are even more flexible and reliable pioneer in environmental matters

The goal of our customer survey, conducted with Eezy Flow, was to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in the customer experience and to gather valuable feedback for developing our collaboration. We aimed to understand how the customer experience has evolved compared to the past and to find new ways to improve our services.


Overall satisfaction, with an average score of 3.31, had been improving year by year. Although this positive trend has slightly slowed down, 94 % of respondents still rate our operations positively. Particularly positive ratings were given to the vessel services of Port Control, weighing services, as well as the willingness to serve and flexibility of the personnel.

How do flexibility and reliability show up in customer experience?

The survey results show that our operational flexibility has further strengthened. This positive trend has continued for five years. Flexibility goes hand in hand with reliability, which has also steadily improved over the years. The most significant improvement was seen in our operational activity (+0.25), reflecting our commitment to serving our customers even better.

The Port is developing, new investments in passenger traffic services, with the new terminal project.

In the customer survey, the NPS was 54, and the majority (60 %) of customers are willing to recommend us as a partner.

In the customer survey, the NPS was 54, and 60 % of our customers indicated they are willing to recommend us as a partner. Open feedback highlighted good service, flexibility, easy collaboration, and location, all of which support the value of our brand from the customers’ point of view.

Activity and customer-orientation improved – customers value services and smooth co-operation

Our willingness to serve and flexibility have continued to develop positively, and the professional skills of the personnel is highly appreciated. Our reliability has strengthened further, with four out of five respondents considering Port of Turku reliable. Additionally, nearly two-thirds see us as a responsible operator, and the Port is increasingly seen as a pioneer in environmental issues.

Nothing to criticise, and they are making good reforms all the time, and the strategy is straightforward.

We continue to invest in straightforward services and customer expectations

We want to maintain the already excellent flow of operations which is based on reliable, flexible and active co-operation, and sustainable operating in the customer interface.

Maintaining contacts on behalf of the port operators is active and easy, everything is made to work fine.

We continue to invest in a dialogue with our customers, and information services at all stages of co-operation. That way we can strengthen the development of services and co-operation, as well as creating new opportunities with existing customers. Some of our customers want more information on e.g. traffic arrangements, upcoming changes, environmental issues, reforms of the port area, and future projects. We will also develop the sectors in which the customers have expectations, such as access control, traffic arrangements, and ship connections.

Text: Heli Kaijansalo
Photo: Jarmo Piironen