Several balls in the air at the same time
Ramboll CM and Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy are responsible for the management and controlling of the big FTT project. The companies see to it for their part that the projects keep within budget and on schedule.

Project Manager Tommi Tervo says that Ramboll CM’s task in the in the passenger terminal project is the management and steering of the entire project. That means, for example, guidance, tendering and supervision of planning and contracting.
“The project is exceptionally big, with a budget of 172 million euros, and it includes three large sub-sets: the terminal building, port field areas, and quays.”
Ramboll is a big, nationally operating planning and consultation company for sustainable cities and societies. Ramboll CM specialises in construction and real estate consultation.
Designers are also helped with simulations
Mr Tervo says that in the supervision it is important to see to it, for example, that the projects keep within budget and on schedule.
“During the project, the general price level has risen significantly due to the global conditions. That’s why, for example, the first tendering for the pier was interrupted and then re-started later.”
Ramboll CM has supported and helped designers in many ways, also by means of modern technology.
“For example, our team provided the participants of the architectural competition with the opportunity to study the traffic flows inside the terminal using computer simulation. The arrival of ships in the berth has also been tested using Aboa Mare’s ship simulators.”
Contractor of the terminal will be decided on at the turn of the year

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy is working as Ramboll CM’s sub-consultant and has organised the tendering and steering of the designing of the terminal building together with Ramboll. The companies will also handle the supervision of contracting together.
Construction Engineer Heikki Salpaoja from Aalto-Setälä Oy tells that the tendering for the contracting has started.
“The contractor will be decided on at the turn of the year. The actual building will start in early 2025.”
Local knowledge helps, too
Founded in 1972, Aalto-Setälä Oy is a traditional engineering agency based in Turku which employs 25 people. Born in Turku, Mr Salpaoja has been working for Aalto-Setälä Oy for more than 30 years. He knows that bus number 1 goes to the harbour.
“It helps in my work, of course, to have experience in, for example, the local authorities, design agencies, and contractors”, he says.
According to Mr Salpaoja, the job description of the project involves keeping several balls in the air at the same time.
“But things will get even more intensive once the building of the terminal starts. Then it is to be expected that questions will keep coming from left and right.”
Long experience in hydraulic engineering
Mr Tervo was born in Kotka and lives in Seinäjoki but now has to spend a lot of time in Turku. With decades of experience in the infrastructure branch, he specialises in hydraulic engineering and has participated in major projects of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency as well as different ports.
“Hydraulic engineering is fascinating, because you can’t see what’s under water, and often there are surprises. Infrastructure construction in itself it great, as you get to work with large buzzing machines. It’s like the dream of a little boy”, he says and chuckles.

Good and knowledgeable team
Tervo and Salpaoja wish to commend the project organisation, designers, the steering group, and the client organisation.
“Information flows efficiently, and everyone helps each other”, Mr Salpaoja says.
“It also helps a great deal that the Port of Turku is a very knowledgeable client. Decision-making in the Port is flexible and quick”, Mr Tervo points out.
Text: Matti Välimäki
Photo: Ilari Välimäki, PES-Architects Ltd