SSAB’s steel is shipped all over Europe from port of Turku

According to SSAB’s Chartering Manager Paula Ojala, the Port of Turku is important especially for the company’s Hämeenlinna plant. Steel manufactured in Raahe is also shipped all over the world from Turku.

Through the port

According to Paula Ojala, Chartering Manager at SSAB, it is important to the steel manufacturer that the port of Turku provides a variety of liner services.

“Our steel is currently exported from Turku on both Baltic Line and Mann Lines ships. Baltic Line’s routes are a convenient way to reach our customers in Denmark and Norway. Mann Lines carries steel to, for example, England and Holland and from Holland on feeder ships further to Spain and as a new destination to Ireland”, she says.

Ms Ojala stresses that regular liner services allow for flexible and cost-efficient transports of steel to the customer also in smaller batches.

Turku is located close to Hämeenlinna

The port of Turku is important for SSAB’s Hämeenlinna steel plant in particular.

“Turku is located reasonably close to Hämeenlinna and can be easily reached by both rail and road. There are currently steel trains from Hämeenlinna to Turku twice a week, carrying steel coils in particular.”

SSAB also has its own harbour at the Raahe production facility from where large steel shipments depart usually directly to customers.

“But steel also comes from Raahe to Turku. From the port of Turku it is then transported to Denmark and Norway e.g. on Baltic Line’s ships.”

Quickly and with expertise

Ms Ojala is satisfied with the short turnaround times of the port of Turku and the expert services of the port operators.

“The customers of course expect that the goods ordered are delivered at the agreed time. We can trust the services in Turku. There is no congestion in the port, and they have the equipment and premises needed for the handling of steel.”

It goes without saying that the packaging must not break down and the products must not be damaged or get wet.

“The services of the port operators in Turku are very professional in that regard, too”, Ms Ojala points out.

Towards fossil-free transports

Around 90,000 tonnes of SSAB’s steel was shipped from the port of Turku last year. When trailer shipments are included, the total volume exceeds 100,000 tonnes.

SSAB’s steel is used, for example, in the automotive industry and energy industry, as well as in engineering workshops all over Europe.

At the end of the decade, SSAB’s production facility with fossil-free steel production will be completed in Luleå, Sweden. After that a similar plant is planned to be built in Raahe.

“Our goal is, at some point, to make the entire steel transport chain fossil-free, including land and sea transports. That also presents challenges to ports, shipping companies and operators, but I believe that Turku will do well in the competition”, Ms Ojala contemplates.

Text: Matti Välimäki
Photos: Jarmo Piironen