Port’s latest reinforcement – construction engineer Juuso Varjonen is a creative problem-solver

Industry professional

We wish warmly welcome our new construction engineer Juuso Varjonen. He joined our team in May and provides solid experience and expertise in the construction industry.

Juuso graduated as a Bachelor of Engineering in 2010 and has since then worked in a wide range of construction projects. His career includes posts of responsible supervisor and site manager in both residential building and infrastructure construction projects. One of his most interesting assignments was the repair and expansion work of the ship building basin at the Meyer Turku shipyard.

Juuso is eagerly awaiting for new challenges in the Port of Turku.

“I am waiting for the building of the new passenger terminal and the new district emerging around it within the next few years, as well as the development of the port area and participating in different projects.”

When Juuso was offered the chance to ask our Managing Director one question, he wanted to know what has been the most challenging situation at the workplace.

“Considering my entire career, the most challenging thing was to work as a Managing Director in Poland from 1997–2000. The country had recently undergone a transition, and the old system made things challenging. While working in the Port, the most challenging time was the pandemic period”, says Managing Director Erik Söderholm.

Juuso’s philosophy of work includes innovation and appreciation of basic principles

Colleagues turn to Juuso when they have a need for problem-solving or ideas for alternative ways to implement something. It is natural for him to think outside the box and bring new points of view alongside traditional solutions.

When asked about a dream day at work, Juuso tells that it would be varied and preferably include solving a problem or starting a new project.

The best piece of advice that Juuso ever got is “Glass is made by blowing” which reflects his approach to finding new and creative solutions. It is important to be aware the realities and know that each thing takes its time and requires attention; few issues can be solved instantly, even if visions and beliefs implicated otherwise. That may also remind you that sometimes it is good to stop to think about basic principles and core issues to be able to understand the problems to be solved in depth and develop sustainable solutions.

We are happy to have Juuso as part of our team in the Port and we are waiting for his contributions to the development of the Port of Turku.


Text: Heli Kaijansalo
Photos: Markku Koivumäki