Port’s customer satisfaction continues at a high level

The Port of Turku’s own annual customer satisfaction survey was performed in December 2018. The survey was sent to a similar group of the Port’s key customers and partners as in previous years. Satisfaction with the Port of Turku was at the same high level as in 2017.
The greatest number of responses was received from companies representing transports, shipping and forwarding. Satisfaction with the Port of Turku as a partner was high among the Port’s customers, the average was 8.2. It was significant that the share of recommenders who gave a high rating to the Port was 54%, up on the previous survey.
The average rating of all items in the set of questions was 5.19 (in scale from 1–7) which was slightly down compared to the average in 2017. The best ratings were given to the Port’s willingness to serve and flexibility, the Port’s marketing, and the vessel services of Port Control.
The customer satisfaction survey also included open fields for free-form messages, and we received plenty of important feedback both on items with room for improvement and our successes.